

Whether you are an incoming or returning international, intercultural, or otherwise interested student, the modules and tutorials on this site can help you develop strategies to write, learn, and participate more fully in courses at Duke. The materials provided here can also support you in other contexts that you are writing or communicating  in.

Cultural, linguistic, and geographic contexts are deeply connected to conventions and expectations surrounding academic writing, academic integrity, and class participation. Our aim in the Thompson Writing Program is to empower all writers to contribute their ideas to ongoing conversations and have the opportunity to advance knowledge. Part of this endeavor involves supporting those who are newer to the context of U.S. academic writing, academic integrity, and class participation practices.

At any point during your Duke academic journey or other writing adventures, you can return here to the DukeWrites Enrichment Suite to refresh your skills and knowledge.

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                          Brought to you by the Duke University Thompson Writing Program
                         Contact us at writingprogram@duke.edu with questions and comments

                                      Funding for this suite provided by a Duke University
                                     Center for Instructional Technology JumpStart grant

Photo credits: Fountain pen and notebook image [Public Domain CCO] via Pixabay.com
Clouds and water [Public Domain CCO] via Pixabay.com